Saturday, January 5, 2008

...Your Kingdom Come...

i painted my toe nails for the first time in my entire life today.

just thought I'd let you know.

i have a uncanny amount of thoughts right now that are overwhelming. Hence, why I have clearly been unable to sleep. Here it is at 3:15 AM and I'm absolutely incapable of rendering my mind done for the day when referring to Biblical understanding of our country, and how to view the world and the people of the world through the Lord's eyes. I am working on drawing that beautiful picture.

The Lord is a good God. I have lived a large majority of my life as a nominal Christian. Romans 7 and its inclusion of defeat and battle have paved the roads in my past. But now I choose to walk in a manner worthy of the calling of the Lord. As I walk in the Spirit, I will NOT gratify the desires of the flesh. This is a life of victory as I realize that the Lord has already COVERED MY SIN. He has already paid it all. He values me, because I am HIS creation. But he doesn't just value me for being me. He values me for being the woman he has created: He values my opinions, my growth, my convictions, my passion, and my gifts. He values those because he's either shaping them or he has shaped them and they are his. As imperfect as I am, I am capable through the propitiation of my sin, to approach the throne of grace with confidence, that I might receive mercy and find grace to help me in time of need. But all of this, every thought I have, every theory I put my trust in regarding politics of foreign policy, these things all derive from the gospel that I hold dear. I cannot life a life of faith in my God that is not also equally a life of believing first in the GOOD NEWS that includes quite a bit of faith. I would not live a life of faith without first asking a lot of questions about the Word of God and seeking discernment and truth in it.

Every conviction I have, I would like to come from the inerrant Word of God. I KNOW that is truth and I only want to put my hope in truth. All of this would not matter if it did not derive from the truth of the GOSPEL. God is so good, and I love him, and I love the Lord Jesus Christ, and I love him for his sacrifice, and example, and pray that the Lords Kingdom would COME. that he would be breaking down barriers to him, and opening eyes and softening hearts, and healing the broken and doing a lot of these things by using US as instruments now IN his Kingdom, in order to expand it.

does anybody read this?


Jessica Higgins said...

I just wanted to let you know that I do read your posts, not sure if that is good or bad. I am usually very encouraged by your thoughts and I value them a lot. I do read them because well...I don't know. I guess it is just nice when we don't have a lot of time to get together and talk, but I can still sense a little of what is going on in your head. I never comment on here usually because I don't really know what to say..but just know that I am encouraged. I also have to tell you, that the song that you posted on here...was...well......amazing! anyways, I'm not sure whether it is encouraging to you or not that I read your posts...but just know that I do. I love you greatly!! thanks for being an awesome friend!

Whitney said...

I read!

Midnight Vagabond said...

hey jess, i just wanted to tell you that i just found out you had a blog...coolness, and when i am more awake i will read really like to catch up at some point in the next..ooooooo...3 years
-Danny Little